We adress to you from the 21 age. We are young people of Russia. We believe that future will beautiful. We believe that won't be wars, that people will win the disease, hunger, poverty. We live in the largest country of the world. Russia - the most beautiful country. We live in industrial developed society with high and rich culture.
Art and culture
Nowadays the cinema is considered one of the main modern arts. Recently people went to cinemas frequently, but now we prefer to stay at home and watch video films and TV. Films will always be one of the best entertainments for people all over the world.
Speaking about art we shouldn’t forget about classical music. Russian composers make all the world admire their music. Who doesn’t know Chaicovsky, Glinka, Musorgskij, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rachmaninov, Shostakovich? The most famous ballets "Swan Lake", "The Sleeping Beauty", "The Nutcracker" "Eugine Onegin".

Russia is famous for its architecture. The real jewel of architecture is the Moscow Kremlin.

Russia is rich also in young talents, new Russian culture is forming.
The Culture of our days differs the reeked directivity, wealth of the directions and speed rhythm to lifes. Our modern world develops very quickly. Recently appeared new directions in painting. For example abstract art, graffity art and so on.

Also appeared new styles in music and dance: hip-hop, tectonik, street:))
Food and drink

People work very much so don’t have time to cook. So presently the most popular became fast food. Regrettably it’s very bad for health.
We think that home meal is the most tasty…and useful. I’m glad that in our time survive much recipes. And I will transfer their future generation.
The beginning of 21 ages:
. At the moment president is Medvedev D.A.
. Recently entered in our country the United State Exam .
. Now our Russia is a rich natural resource.
.Presently each person to try to stand out from crowd. This pertains to modern youth. On given мометн was formed much groups with informal glance, to he pertain: emo, goths, punks, rockers, bench marks and many others.
.Presently quickly develops technology and science. It is difficult to present world without mobile phone and computer.
But the biggest wealth are people of our time. The Persons in our lifes in the first place is a PERSONALITY .The Persons is independent, free and lucky:))

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